Functional Integration® is appropriate for those whose movement is limited or compromised by poor mechanics as well as by a variety of organic causes. Feldenkrais® Practitioners do not treat organic damage, degenerations or inflammations. We simply guide the client to reorganize his/her movement pattens in ways which respect their organic limitations. We make the observation that when this happens, pain which had been attributed to the organic causes often either disappears or is significantly decreased.
A series of Functional Integration® lessons results in re~organized body movement, re~organized posture as well as a heightened sense of self~direction in movement. In experiential language this translates into: decreased pain, increased flexibility, better posture, a sense of the whole body working together, increased mobility & a greater sense of confidence in all daily movements. Clients are much more able to make kinesthetic distinctions, therefore, they begin to be able to feel & recognize movements which are detrimental to their system as well as activities which benefit them. Clients become empowered via their bodies.