Better Living Health Centre
1 Overland Dr, Don Mills
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Listen to Your Self...For a Change
Better Living Health Centre
1 Overland Dr, Don Mills
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Your Body Tells the Truth is a gem in the Danforth area. I have followed the business & its owner for many years & I can testify that here is value for the monies spent. Hot Stone Massages & Feldenkrais are the right combination for anyone who needs peace of mind. Steps from a dynamic part of the Danforth in a luxurious & immaculately kept environment plus professional care makes this little gem my first choice.
I don't know if I can separate Marlene from her your work because she is spirit, body, mind & soul integrated. I appreciate her holistic healing, caring & presence. When I experience private sessions, I feel the presence of an authentic person; she listens to my concerns, presence & proceeds with each step from there. When I have treatments, I experience physical, emotional, creative, artistic imagery, spiritual & integrative responses. At the conclusion, physically, I feel longer, taller, more in my body. Emotionally, I feel cared for & soothed. I feel more integrated & whole upon leaving.
Marlene is a true healer. It's like a rebirth to experience your body opening up & releasing ancient tension, thanks to her gentle & intuitive touch. Sometimes after my treatment, I feel almost giddy with joy.
Judy Steed, Pilates Instructor
Marlene's extraordinary patience helps to create an atmosphere in which to melt. She has an understanding of our class needs & intuitively guides us. As a very approachable & accessible person with a warm smile & a cool glow, she is there with us on the journey to better health by allowing us to discover ourselves ~ like a hot air balloon captain one trusts to get into the basket, then she takes us up & inward on a tour to a different site, guiding us along & then back to stand again on our own two feet.
Patient & truly listening, Marlene demonstrates these qualities over & over in the way she works. She moves slowly & patiently in her sessions with me & as result, she listens & moves her attention & intention where healing is most needed.
My husband experienced such a powerful, major change with your treatment, that even his chiropractor said,
“Wow, I’ve never seen your spine so pliable”.
Rose & Ed
It was truly great to have a session with you today. Thank you for your amazing guidance & direction, & for the beautiful, encouraging words. I feel alive & grounded, even kind of giggly all the way home!
Manuela, Pilates Practitioner
Marlene cleared my head. I feel good & my hips feel great. More time with Marlene equals more balance & more joy, even though I think I am OK.
David, Transformational Arts College
Feldenkrais is one of the best Methods I have encountered for not only addressing my particular health challenges & personality. I find Feldenkrais to be such a good fit for helping Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, as well as the Anxiety & Depression that I experience. I love the gentleness & quietness of it. I also love how I am in control of my body. It's a learning process. I am not just a passive client & I am sure if I continue, the benefits from this work will keep on surprising me.
I felt at ease with Marlene. My felt sense told me she was to be trusted. After just a few sessions, lying face up & fully clothed on the practitioner’s sheepskin covered table while Marlene worked on my body, I found that – when I got up off her table – I was walking differently. My head was pulled back & my chest was open. When I tried to explain the experience, I could only say I was standing & walking in a plumb line, the weight on the end of a string that carpenters & plumbers use to find a straight line.
With the postural change came new awareness of how I perpetuate an old protective stance I no longer need. In my current life, I want to be open & loving, not “protected” by my shoulders & not on the lookout for danger. My body & my mind have worked together to help me discover a new, authentic way of being in the world.
Mary K. Armstrong, Focusing Therapist
For me, the most important reason for Marlene's work is Total Wellness that leads to a happy, healthy, pain-free life with many other benefits. Feldenkrais is unique in that it does not involve extreme effort. On the contrary, it stimulates the brain, focus & mobility. As a Practitioner, Marlene's way is consistent & compassionate with human connection at high level. This society & any other needs you as truly, I DO! Thanks millions.
When we work with Marlene, we are constantly learning to be more present & relaxed, clearer thinking with improved posture. More than one modality is offered & is often integrated with another. Marlene takes interest when discussing our needs & we enjoy her candid sense of humour.
Diane & Wayne
Marlene Kennedy heals & centres with her touch. She senses how to read your body & through her work & healing touch, I've come to many deep understandings of myself & my own work, my writing & teaching. She is a spirit guide, a profound mentor of balance who strives to bring out the light that's in us. I've often found courage, stamina, inspiration, trust & insight from simply being silent on her table, letting her healing & heated stones warm me. Combining science & health care with vision & intuition, her activities are deeply needed today. I recommend her to many people as I recommend her to you. And I express my gratitude that she makes her attentiveness & learning, her wisdom & her spiritual aspirations available to us all.
B.W. Powe, Ph.D, Associate Professor, York University & Author
It has been 2 weeks since my treatment. I came hoping to reduce teeth clenching & Marlene explained that Feldenkrais works with interconnections in the body & that she would not necessarily be working directly on the jaw.
After the treatment, I was surprised to find the clenching very significantly reduced & 2 things happened afterwards that I did not expect. At my weekly exercise class, a friend stopped me to ask if I had studied dance; she said I moved so gracefully. No one has ever said that to me before. Also, the man in my life, also a senior, looked at me & exclaimed, “You have such good posture!”. (He has known me for years, yet this sentence has been repeated several times in the last 2 weeks.) Each time I stop & realize that yes, I am standing or sitting much differently than I did before.
Judy G.
EASY Does It! Though many individuals seek out Soul Connection through the act of doing yoga, … read more...
Meditation "And the day came when the risk to remain closed in the bud became more painful than … read more...
Marlene Kennedy A RELAXED BODY HEALS ITSELF! All affective human experiences are body … read more...